How to Play the Three Best Team Comps For Teamfight Tactics Patch 11.23b – Katarina Carry, Sniper Jhin and More

For the latest patch of Teamfight Tactics – patch 11.23b, we have collated a diverse list of the strongest builds that you can use to climb in Ranked TFT, or to win some Double-Up games with your buddies. For most of the builds shown, variations are provided as it’s not easy to craft the exact same team every game. In order to climb the fastest however, you must strengthen your fundamentals of TFT as sometimes you’ll be forced into certain compositions, and it’s important to know how to manage your game accordingly. This isn’t to say that comps like the Katarina carry isn’t strong and spammable however. Just look at Souless’ recent match history, he’s played it in seven of his last ten games in North American Challenger, and placed top four in six of the seven. The longer into the patch we go the more traction the Katarina carry build will gain however, so it’s important to keep a few comps you’re confident on under your belt if there are multiple people in your game contesting Assassins.

Katarina Carry


Above is the strongest base Katarina carry team composition. The core champions for this build are Katarina, Talon, Yuumi and Leona, giving base traits of 3 Academy and 2 Assassin. The alternative to Katarina carry is to build into 7 Syndicates, which may be necessary if lacking Kat’s core items, or enemies contesting Katarinas.


  • Save as much gold as possible early, loss streaking for gold is fine
    • 2 Camilles can beat all minion rounds
    • Buy as few units that aren’t in the comp as possible
  • At 3-1, clear your entire bench of units you won’t be using in the comp, as next round you’ll be spending a lot of gold to get your core board
  • Once 3-2 arrives, level up to 6 and keep rolling until you have:
    • Katarina, Ekko, Talon, Leona, Blitzcrank, Twitch
    • Make sure you keep picking up the units that will be useful in the future, such as Shaco
    • Replace Twitch with Shaco ONLY if he is 2 Stars or you have a +1 Team Size at 6 – Shaco is very weak at level 1
  • Now return to 50 gold if you went below by saving, and slow roll until you have Katarina, Talon, or Ekko at 3 star
    • Not all have to be 3 star, determine who you can and can’t get to 3 star after you’ve done a lot of slow rolling
    • Katarina 3 star is the most ideal for this composition, she still does damage at 2 star but is much more vulnerable late game to the legendary carries
  • After slow rolling and getting 3 stars, level to 7
  • From here build Socialites or 6 Assassins, whichever one is easier to get
  • You can manage this accordingly if you get the Assassin Heart or Socialite Heart augments, putting on different characters in order to reach 4 and 6 Assassins at different points in the game.

Playing Seraphine and Taric to build a Socialites Assassin board is another alternative to the standard Academy build. Galio can also be put in at level 8 to replace Leona and Blitzcrank, granting 3 Socialites and 4 Assassins. If you’re not running the Academy build, you should opt for this if you’re lacking 3 star Assassins or are struggling to get Yuumi and Akali. If you can’t get your hands on an Akali, you can use a 2 star Shaco instead.


If you’re getting your hands on lots of 3 star Assassins while slow rolling at Level 6, and get an Akali before you get your hands on multiple socialites, then this is the best variation of Assassins that you should opt for. Don’t hold on to items for Akali or Talon if it means you can’t put them down on Katarina. Always prioritise items for Katarina as she is your main carry.



Above is the core for the Arcanists build. Before you hit a Lux or Malzahar, you can use Twisted Fate to hold your items. Take Chain Vest in the first carousel and aim to build an early Bramble Vest, as it will help you stay higher HP in the early game with tankier comps while you’re saving for levelling at 3-2. This item is also very strong on Vex, which can be put on after you hit a 2 star. Lux, Viktor and Malzahar can all be the carries in this comp, but we recommend Lux to be your main carry. A 3 star Malzahar can deal some serious damage however, and Viktor’s items (Shojin & Rabadons) differ from from the items Twisted Fate will be holding, so you can use him as your carry if you’re unable to get the Lux items (Blue Buff, Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet).


  • Play a standard early game, playing towards your win or loss streaks
  • Make sure to maximise your gold going into Krugs
  • Level to 6 at stage 3-2
  • Roll as much as needed for a 2 star Vex
  • Level to 7 while staying above 50 gold
  • Slow roll for a 3 star Vex
    • Bramble vest is the strongest item on Vex
    • Don’t take any bows, won’t be useful in this composition

This is the best Arcanist build at the moment, there are other variations featuring 6 Arcanists with Swain and Twisted Fate, but considering how strong Socialites and Enchanters are at the moment, this is the optimal build. You can use Lulu early instead of Orianna, and if run Swain and Twisted Fate in place of Lux/Taric/Janna if you’re struggling to get your hands on any of those three. Prioritise Vex and Lux items, and Orianna isn’t the most important champion here and can be swapped for someone else if needed.

Sniper Jhin Carry


This is the most common and definitely the strongest build possible for a Jhin carry team comp. Orianna is strong here as her ability groups enemy units together, allowing Jhin to damage multiple targets at once. Banshee’s Claw is an important item here as your team is going to be little to no damage if Jhin is eliminated early. Get a Glove from the first carousel, and prioritise Banshee’s Claw or Infinity Edge for your first item. Infinity Edge can go on a lot of carries early game such as Ezreal. Use Caitlyn to hold Jhin’s items early on, and swap her for Miss Fortune after you get Jhin. 2 Snipers is essential for this build as the trait grants Jhin extra range and bonus damage for each hex between him and his target. Having 2 Scholars is very important for Jhin as it grants the team 5 Mana every second, which allows Jhin to get his ultimate off quickly and can do it multiple times.


  • Sniper Jhin is played with standard levelling, so play to your streaks and try build a strong early board.
  • Use ranged units such as Ezreal or Caitlyn to hold Jhin’s items, and frontliners such as Camille to hold tank items for Braum. Prioritise Jhin’s items over the tank items.

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